Sorry that it has been so long since we have updated! We have done so much since the last time I posted.
I will try to fill in some events that have happened since moving here. One weekend, we decided that we needed to go into Rochester and get some errands done in town. After we finished all of that, we were going to Walmart in Geneseo. So we set our GPS to take us there. And we thought something must be wrong because it said it was going to take a whole hour to get there and that didn't seem like it could be right. But we had specifically entered in "Geneseo" so we were like "Oh well, maybe we just don't know..." So we continue on. After an hour or so, we see the sign for walmart...but we do not recognize ANYTHING around it. Then we see a sign for the town of "Saltvale" and just cracked up. If we had known anything about the area, we would have realized that we were no where in the right area but we didn't. We set the GPS back up and it said that were 45 minutes from the Walmart we were trying to get to. Oh well, it was a pretty drive and it was an adventure but also, hilarious!
The church had a game night with the whole congregation. They played the newly wed game and Nick and I won!! It was a blast. Everyone had to bring a dish and we struggled to figure out what to bring. Finally we decided to bring a Runza casserole. So they could get a taste of Nebraska! :)
My parents and Jake just came and we had a lot of fun. We ran all over Rochester and even went to Canada! Here are some pics:
Nick and I in front of Niagara Falls. |
Lake Effect Diner in Buffalo, NY-Guy Fieri Ate Here |
My food from Lake Effect Diner |
Lighthouse at Old Fort Niagara |
Frederick Douglass was buried in Rochester |
So was Susan B. Anthony |
Our delicious NY pizza from Great Northern. |
Well I better get going, I'm going to make cupcakes for tonight's Caravan badge ceremony.
Love you all!
Carmen and Nick