Sunday, July 8, 2012

Summer in NY

I can't believe it's been more than 6 months since the last post!  :S  My brain isn't working as well as it did before! :S

Anyways, I thought I would share some pics on here of New York.  We got to go watch fireworks at Silver Lake for the 4th of July.  Well really it was the 3rd of July.  Every 3rd of July they have what's called the "Ring of Fire" around all of the Finger lakes in the area.  All around the lake they light road flares so it makes a big red ring around the lake and then many people do fireworks.  (Most of them are doing it illegally but no one's weird!)  Anyways, here is a better picture of the "Ring of Fire"...  *HERE*

One of the families in our church has a camper on Silver Lake so that is why we got to watch it from there this year.  (We actually live closer to Conesus lake but it's SOOOOOO crazy there!!!)  This family has a boat and everything so Nick and I got to ride around on the lake in the evening and watch some fireworks before it got extremely dark, then when it got dark we got to watch from the "beach".

It was really fun so I thought I would show you some pics from the evening!!!

Silver Lake

Silver Lake

Tim's Boat

View from Boat

Wanted to make sure I had something documenting the fact that Kade was on a boat before he was born ;)

Ring of Fire

Ring of Fire
Silver lake

Self Explanatory ?? ;)

For those that haven't seen a bump pic in a while...31 weeks today and feeling pretty huge!!
But I still feel great so I'm not complaining!!

Well that is about it!!  Sorry I haven't posted in a while!  When Kinkade's here maybe I will do a litt better about blogging so that you guys can see him all the time... ;)

--Carmen and Nick

Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Center

Here are a few pics from the new building!  We are currently in the process of painting all the walls and redoing the floors but it seems to be moving along pretty fast!
We had the congregation come and write prayers on the walls before we painted
One of the prayers
This will be Nick's office

Other side of the Sanctuary

Nick and Karriann painting the walls

We are all really excited about this project!!  Hopefully we will have some finished pictures up soon!


Thursday, October 27, 2011


It finally snowed here in New York! It's not nearly as exciting as what Colorado got but we'll take it!!! Can't wait til it snows again!!!!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Some fall pics!

Here are a few pictures of outside our house! It's getting colder here...Saturday the forecast is high of 45 and low of 38! Better get some sweaters out! :)

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Autumn in New York

Well, the leaves are changing and falling here and the temp is dropping!! I love this weather so it's fine with me!!

The hurricane has caused a lot of flooding in the southern part of NY...Three Nazarene churches on our district have been damaged pretty badly. They have sent us pictures and it's just insane!! They are having teams come out and help but it's too far for nick and I to go right now! :(.

I have a couple different sub jobs next week at a school that's about 20 minutes from Livonia!! I am very excited because I figured I wouldn't get many jobs until October!

Well that's about it for now!!


Monday, August 29, 2011

Hurricane Info

So we were "in" our first hurricane! We didn't really think it would be too bad for us out here because we are quite a ways from New York City. We knew that the national guard and other people were waiting the storm out in Rochester so that they could go help when it was needed so we figured we were probably pretty safe. We only got the very edge of its path, which just included wind and rain and it was a lot colder than it has been here in a while. Never thought that we would have to worry about a hurricane being this far north but I guess you never know! :)

Nick and I went and walked along Lake Ontario last Thursday. I actually didn't think that you could walk along it, but there is actually a public beach and everything. We have some pretty cool pictures but they are on our phones since I forgot the camera. Once Nick gets home, I will have him show me how to take it off of our phones!

Well, I just thought I would give you an quick update!

Talk to you later,

Friday, August 5, 2011


Sorry that it has been so long since I have updated!  We have been having a good summer!!  My parents got to come at the end of June...we got to see a lot of new stuff that even Nick and I hadn't seen before.  July 3 is their annual "Ring of Fire" around the lake. ( Every year they surround the lake with emergency flares.) Nick and I thought we better go check it out because seemed kind of weird but kind of interesting at the same time.  We were definitely glad we went!  The flares looked really cool along the lake but there were also TONS of fireworks!!  And tons of people, but Nick and I actually managed to find a good spot anyway.  We have had two community events recently.  One was a free music and ice cream night, there were quite a few people but most of them were from our church or Calvary so there weren't very many actually from Livonia.  The second one was an outdoor movie night and we watched "Tangled".  It was definitely a good turn out.  We had over 35 all together and only 10 of them were actually members of the church!  We are having another one next Friday so we'll see if that has the same kind of turn out! I have been searching for a teaching luck so far but that's ok! :)  Just praying that God will send the right thing along! :)

I will try and post some pictures soon from some of the events!!
